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Barchester Healthcare

Peripatetic Nurse (RGN/RMN) - Care Home

Leamington Spa

  • Top Match
  • Ending Soon

ABOUT THE ROLE As a Peripatetic Nurse (RGN/RMN) at Barchester, you'll travel across your region to deliver the high clinical standards we're known for. We'll look to you to lead a multi-disciplinary team to make sure that on each shift, at every location, all of our residents get the highest quality care. You can expect a wide range of responsibili

Job Source: Barchester Healthcare
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  • Donard Recruitment Ltd

    Clinical Assessor


    Take on a new challenge and further your career as a Clinical Assessor! This is an exciting hybrid working opportunity for Nurses, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and Paramedics to make the most of their existing clinical knowledge and take on a new role with a leading, multi-national employer with Full time and Part time roles avail

    Job Source: Donard Recruitment Ltd
  • Blom and Blom

    Early Years Practitioner


    Early Years Practitioner We are working with an independent day nursery who are currently looking for a Early Years Practitioner for their nursery setting in Nuneaton. The successful candidate will need to hold a level 2/3, CACHE, EYE or recognised equivalent childcare qualification, you will also ideally have a minimum of 6 months nursery setting

    Job Source: Blom and Blom

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